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Christmas Messages

Christmas Messages for You to Check Out

Christmas is the ideal occasion to feel true love. Jesus is the reason for the season and he is the symbol of true love. Merry Christmas and a great New Year!

May God's blessing be with you this Christmas. Rejoice not just on this great occasion but all round the year!!

May the wonders of Christmas fill your heart with love and tenderness. Merry Christmas!

Love came to our life on Christmas; Love is beautiful, love is divine; Love took birth at Christmas, Angels and stars carried the sign.

It's Christmas and I just wanted to say "thank you" and that.... It's been a pleasure working with you this past year... Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and... A Happy New Year!

Every Christmas, I yearn For Christmases of the past and I return to my childhood Till my memories last.

May this Christmas shine with moments of love, laughter and friendliness and may the coming year bring you contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas.

A song was sung on Christmas To wake up the midnight sky A redeemer's birth, and serenity on earth and honor to God on high.

Love and joy descended on earth on Christmas day to make you pleased and cheerful. May this Christmas season spread abundant joy in your life.

Christmas is the time for festivities and spreading love. Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones!

If the sun shines in the day, so shall your dreams come true, When the moon appears at night, so shall you get blesses, then if it starts to rain, so shall all your worries run away from you! Have a Merry Christmas!