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Mothers Day Messages

Mothers Day Messages and SMS for You to Check Out

All that I am or ever hope to be , I owe to my angel mother.- Abraham Lincoln.

This heart , my own dear mother , bends , With Love's true instinct,back to thee ! - Thomas Moore

If I had a flower for each time I thought of my mother, I could walk in my garden forever.

There is no velvet as soft as a mother's lap , no path as flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.

Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children – Brandon Lee.

God wanted to make a person full of love , so he made a MOTHER ,a person full of support and care.

The Miracle of Life nurtured by a woman who gave us love and sacrifice....MOTHER – Joel Barquez.

Your arms were always open when I needed a hug, you are a true MOTHER

Your heart understood me when I needed a friend and gave me wings to fly.