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Valentine's Day SMS/Messages

Valentine's Day SMS for You to Check Out

"Miracles still happen. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have found you in my life.

Love is the only flower that blooms in every season and in any weather.

May be St. Valentine is the most loved person in the world because he created a day for us lovers.

May you wake up smiling every day because that makes my world sunny!

To love, you need to listen to your heart. It is the only exam of life where it can help you score over others.

On this Valentine all I ask you is to be mine!

I love your smile, your touch, the twinkle in your eyes when they look at me.

I was soul searching before I found it in your eyes.

A kiss is a man’s creation to seal the deal of love.

Love is like a candle that burns itself to give glow and warmth to others

You are the luckiest when you are being loved and I thank my stars for giving you to me.

It’s already hard to find a person to fall in love with! So, now that I have found you I’ll not let you go.

Love is the greatest creation of God. He filled our hearts with it so that we can appreciate the true beauty of His creation.

I’ll love you as long as there is goodness in this world.

Sending lots of kisses and hugs your way so that you don’t feel lonely during the day.

I have written a love story without an end. I want you to become a part of my life to give it a beautiful conclusion.

Ever since I met you, my heart only beats for you and my mind only thinks of you.

I lay awake last night wondering how life would be without you. Then I realized that there wouldn’t be a life when you are not there!

Love gives you the strength to see rays of hope even during the darkest hours of life.

I want to make you feel special everyday so that you don’t miss my love when I am not there.

Love is about finding the goodness in one.

Last night I wished to a falling star and today I met you.

Your love is like the sun that fills my life with brightness and warmth.

I thank God for giving me the heart that loves you.

I love being in love with you and hope that I never fall out of it.